Lexpos News

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Autumn 2023: How we’ve been representing and talking to you

Community Pharmacy England remains fully focused on improving outcomes for all community pharmacy businesses and throughout this autumn we have once again been influencing a range of important stakeholders on pharmacy’s behalf. We have been briefing influential MPs, Ministers, health charities, patient groups, think tanks, and national press journalists to highlight the critical pressures on [...]

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Tell your MP about critical winter pressures

Community Pharmacy England, working with the other national pharmacy organisations, will be holding a Parliamentary event in a few weeks time to reiterate to MPs the enormous pressures that community pharmacies are under and the crippling effect that this is having on businesses of all shapes and sizes. We hope to have MPs from across [...]

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Over 400,000 purchase HRT prescription prepayment certificate

Pharmacy press Minister for Women Maria Caufield said in Parliament that, as of the end of September, “well over 400,000 women in England had purchased a HRT prescription prepayment certificate”. Given that Community Pharmacy England has previously raised concerns about HRT PPCs, we were asked to comment on the situation. Our Drug Tariff and Reimbursement [...]

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Have you completed the 2023 mandatory workforce survey?

Pharmacy owners are reminded of the requirement to complete the 2023 workforce survey, which is a mandatory requirement for all pharmacy owners. The NHS Business Services Authority sent an email to pharmacy owners containing a link to the survey on 23rd October 2023; the survey can also be accessed via the following link: Access the [...]

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Smoking cessation funding

Pharmacy press The Government issued a press release about its drive to phase out smoking, announcing that £70 million a year has been allocated for local authorities in England to support stop smoking services. We were asked to comment on the likelihood that community pharmacy smoking cessation services would be funded by this. Our Director [...]

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