

Terms of service changes: patient satisfaction and workforce surveys

Workforce challenges are currently adversely impacting most sectors of the UK economy, but they are being particularly acutely felt within community pharmacy with serious consequences for pharmacy contractors. PSNC and the other national pharmacy bodies have called for improved workforce planning to be undertaken by the Government and NHS, but for this to happen, high [...]

The post Terms of service changes: patient satisfaction and workforce surveys appeared first on PSNC Website.

By |September 6th, 2022|hee, Lexpos News, Workforce, Workforce survey|Comments Off on Terms of service changes: patient satisfaction and workforce surveys

Get ready for the 2022 Workforce Survey

The 2022 Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey will take place in the autumn and all pharmacy contractors will be asked to submit data to support workforce planning for the sector. The survey was first undertaken in 2017 and it was repeated last year. Recognising the recruitment challenges that contractors are facing, from this year, the survey [...]

The post Get ready for the 2022 Workforce Survey appeared first on PSNC Website.

By |July 27th, 2022|hee, Lexpos News, Workforce|Comments Off on Get ready for the 2022 Workforce Survey