Yearly Archives: 2023


Parliamentary committee requests government adopt health IT changes

The Health and Social Care Select Committee has published its report on ‘Digital transformation in the NHS’. Community Pharmacy England previously submitted a response to this inquiry on behalf of the Community Pharmacy IT Group. Many of the suggestions within our consultation response are incorporated into the final report. The committee acknowledges that the Covid-19 [...]

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Complaints policy update reminder

Members must make information available to the public as to its arrangements for dealing with complaints; and how further information about those arrangements may be obtained. From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing. Rather than contacting NHS England, complaints will [...]

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By |July 6th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on Complaints policy update reminder

NHS 75th Birthday

As the NHS marks its 75th birthday, we at Community Pharmacy England want to use this opportunity to highlight and celebrate all of the highly skilled individuals that make community pharmacy such an exceptional and vital part of our society. Community pharmacy is an innovative sector having a huge positive impact on the health and [...]

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By |July 5th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on NHS 75th Birthday

Medicine Supply Notification: Testosterone (Tostran®) 2% gel

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued a medicine supply notification for Testosterone (Tostran®) 2% gel. MSN/2023/064 Tier 2 – medium impact Date of issue 4th July 2023 Testosterone (Tostran®) 2% gel is out of stock with no confirmed resupply date. Testavan® and Testogel® remain available and will be able to support increased [...]

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Introducing Community Pharmacy Locals

A new term of office for Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs) in England began this weekend (Saturday 1st July). There are now 58 LPCs in England, and they will be known as Community Pharmacy <Local> to present a strengthened and unified identity to the local NHS, local government and other stakeholders, as the local voice of [...]

The post Introducing Community Pharmacy Locals appeared first on Community Pharmacy England.

By |July 4th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on Introducing Community Pharmacy Locals