Monthly Archives: October 2023


Hypertension Case-Finding Service: Commencement of PPV activity

From 9th October 2023, the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance Team (PAT), will start to undertake post-payment verification (PPV) reviews of pharmacy owners providing the Hypertension Case-Finding Service. The reviews, commissioned by NHS England, will look at the following categories: Highest claimers of blood pressure checks; High volumes of opportunistic blood pressure checks [...]

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By |October 11th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on Hypertension Case-Finding Service: Commencement of PPV activity

Update to MYS dashboard

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has informed us that from 12 October 2023, the Manage Your Service (MYS) dashboard layout will be changing following user feedback. The changes will see the current tabs move to the left-hand side of the page and the tabs will be reordered and listed in alphabetical order. The image [...]

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‘Find your little big thing’ campaign

Every Mind Matters has launched a campaign to encourage people to ‘find your little big thing’ and highlight that ‘doing the little things can make a big difference to your mental health’. The campaign is aimed at 25-54-year olds but weighted towards those that are struggling and most at risk of mental health problems. The [...]

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By |October 11th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on ‘Find your little big thing’ campaign

Zero-rated VAT introduced on medicines supplied via PGDs

Express In the 2023 Spring Budget the Chancellor committed to extending the zero rate on prescriptions to medicines supplied to patients through Patient Group Directions (PGDs). The zero rate will apply from 9th October 2023 until 31st March 2027. The Treasury says this will support the plan to help save 10 million GP appointments across [...]

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By |October 10th, 2023|Lexpos News|Comments Off on Zero-rated VAT introduced on medicines supplied via PGDs

Get ready for the 2023 Workforce Survey

The 2023 Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey will launch later this month and, as was the case last year, all pharmacy owners will need to submit data to support workforce planning for the sector. The survey will be open for a period of eight weeks. The survey will be conducted by North of England Commissioning Support [...]

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By |October 5th, 2023|hee, Lexpos News, Workforce, Workforce survey|Comments Off on Get ready for the 2023 Workforce Survey