Monthly Archives: June 2019


Regulators unite to support reflective practitioners across healthcare

The leaders of nine healthcare regulators have joined forces to stress the benefits and importance of good reflection among professionals in the healthcare sector.

The chief executives have signed a joint statement – Benefits of becoming a reflective practitioner – which outlines the processes and advantages of being a good reflective practitioner for individuals and teams.

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GPhC council meeting on Thursday 13 June 2019

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GPhC council meeting on Thursday 13 June 2019

By |June 10th, 2019|Lexpos News|Comments Off on GPhC council meeting on Thursday 13 June 2019

GPhC welcomes Interim NHS People Plan for England

The GPhC has responded to the publication of the Interim NHS People Plan

Duncan Rudkin, Chief Executive of the General Pharmaceutical Council, said:

“We welcome the commitment in the Interim NHS People Plan to ensuring pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and the wider pharmacy team play a greater role in providing care to patients across primary and secondary care.

By |June 4th, 2019|Lexpos News|Comments Off on GPhC welcomes Interim NHS People Plan for England

GPhC welcomes Interim NHS People Plan for England

The GPhC has responded to the publication of the Interim NHS People Plan

Duncan Rudkin, Chief Executive of the General Pharmaceutical Council, said:

“We welcome the commitment in the Interim NHS People Plan to ensuring pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and the wider pharmacy team play a greater role in providing care to patients across primary and secondary care.

By |June 4th, 2019|Lexpos News|Comments Off on GPhC welcomes Interim NHS People Plan for England