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The Point of Sale screen is the default screen that is displayed once you have logged in.

It can be accessed by pressing the Sales button

You can also access it by clicking on the Point of Sale icon located on the toolbar.

Making a Sale

To sell an item scan the barcode using the barcode scanner provided, The Description of the item will appear on the screen along with the Item Code, Quantity, Discount and Total.

Repeat this action for separate items unless you are selling multiple quantities of the same item. In this case you can change the quantity by entering the number of items in the command bar and pressing the Quantity button, this will adjust the quantity, The customer will then pay by their selected payment method. This will then complete the sale.

Customer Method of Payment

There are three modes of payment. These are Customer/Account, Card and Cash.

You will find these on your keyboard or if you have a touch screen system they will appear on the Lexpos Retalier Point of Sale screen.

There are also icons for these methods of payment in the bottom left of the point of Sale screen

Cash Sales

On the touch screen system there are pre set cash amounts of £5, £10 and £20 after scanning the item/items you can press these if the customer has one of those specific amounts or an amount made up from the pre-set options e.g. the customer has £15, you could click the £5 note three times or £10 and then £5.

If you have a keyboard system or if the customer only has a specific amount of money, type the amount tendered in the command bar and press the Cash button on your keyboard or touch-screen. A box with then appear with the amount of change you will need to give and then click OK.

Forcing Tendered Amount

There is an additional setting in the system settings tab, under sales, where you can force the tendered amount. When this option is selected, you would press the cash button to complete the sale and a pop up box will appear. You then enter the tendered amount and press OK. The relevant change will appear on screen and the cash drawer will open.

Card Sales

For a Card sale scan the item/items and Press the Card button on your keyboard or touch screen.

Customer Account Sales

Click or press the customer icon. A list of customers will appear, select the customer from the list. Scan the items and click or press the Account or ACC button.


To give a single item discount in pence or pounds type the amount of money being discounted in the command bar and click the Sales Amount Discount icon located at the bottom middle of the sales screen

To give a single item discount by percentage type the amount of percentage in the command bar and click Sales Percentage Discount icon located at the bottom middle of the sales screen.

Miscellaneous Items

If the scanned item is not found, a message will appear asking you you want to sell the item as a Miscellaneous item.

If you want to continue and you know the price of the item being sold click yes and enter the items price and click ok.

Hold and Recall

To Hold a sale for later click on the Hold icon, the sale will then be hidden in your held sale list and you continue making sales.

To resume a held transaction click on the Recall Icon.

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Click either the Return or Faulty button to turn on returns mode, any items scanned will be put through as a return, you can press the return or faulty button again mid sale to turn off returns mode and carry out an exchange.

Returns will be added back to your stock list, so only use the “Return” button if you wish to resell the item. To accept a normal return click on the Returns Icon and then scan the item the customer wishes to return. If the customer wishes to return more than one item, repeat this process a single item at a time.

Faulty items will not be added to your stock list, so only use the “Faulty” button if you will not be putting this item back on your shelf. To accept a faulty return click on the Faulty Icon and then scan the item the customer wishes to return. If the customer wishes to return more than one item, repeat this process a single item at a time.

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How to Delete an item on the Sales screen

If you need to delete an item after it has been scanned highlight the item and click the delete icon.

How to adjust the price or stock level of an item on the Sales screen

To alter the price of the selected item, enter the new price in the command bar and click on the price change icon. It will then ask you if you want to change the price on the stock master, select yes or no for your desired action.

To adjust the stock level of an item, scan the item, click on the stock adjust icon and it will ask you to enter current stock for the item. Type the stock level in and press ok.

How to do a Z read

To do a Z read click the Z read Icon and fill in the following information:

Cash In Drawer In this box you need to enter all monies that are in your cash drawer. This is everything including your float.

Credit Card Sales In this box you need to enter the total amount you have in Credit Card Sales for the day.

Float In this box you need to enter your float amount for the day.

Lexpos Retailer will then add your cash and card payments together and deduct your float and insert this figure into your counted drawer total in the drawer total section of the z read.

Suspend Z Read

Lexpos Retailer gives you the option to suspend the Z Read while you go away and count your drawer totals. To do this, Press the “Suspend” button, the cash drawer will now open, remove your monies from the drawer leaving your float. Once you close the drawer you will see the Z Read button is now flashing Red.

Staff members are now free to continue doing sales while the z read is suspended, these sales will be counted onto the following ZRead takings.

Once you have finished counting up your monies you can complete the Z Read. You do this by pressing the red flashing Z Read button and entering your figures as described above. The Z read will now print out the receipt printer.

To reprint a Z read

Go to Reports > Sales> Reprint Z read, a list of Z reads with the most recent showing first will appear, select the Z read you wish to reprint. You have 2 options, you can print to the receipt printer or view on screen. If you choose to view on screen you will be able to print to the A4 printer or email the Z Read.

Go to Reports > Sales> Reprint Z read, a list of Z reads with the most recent showing first will appear, select the Z read you wish to reprint. You have 2 options, you can print to the receipt printer or view on screen. If you choose to view on screen you will be able to print to the A4 printer or email the Z Read.

How to use the loyalty card system

To add a new loyalty card customer onto the database select Masters > Customer. If this is a new customer you then need to click New. Enter the customers name under the Code field, their loyalty card number in the Loyalty Card No field. Enter the customers details and then click Save.

If it is an existing customer do the same but select the customer from the side bar, type in their loyalty card number in the Loyalty Car No. field and then click save.

To make a loyalty card customer sale scan all items and then scan the customers loyalty card and proceed with the customers chosen payment method.

To redeem the points on a customers loyalty card select the customer who would wish to redeem their points. Scan any items they would like their points redeemed against or to pay for. Click the Redeem Icon (insert Icon) and type the amount of points you would like to use. Continue with the sale as normal.

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